Application process

  1. CREATE a personal account and save your account name and password for future use.
  2. Apply to study abroad at your home institution! Keep in mind that many schools have very early internal deadlines for studying abroad.  If you attend a school that is new to AIT in order to receive credit and/or financial aid, you might need to petition your school to attend AIT before you apply to AIT.  In that case, do not hesitate to let AIT know how to help make your petition process go as smoothly as possible.
  3. Be prepared to provide TWO REFERENCE CONTACTS who know your academic qualifications well. At least one of them (ideally both) should be a computer science, mathematics, or engineering professor, and ONE STUDY ABROAD contact who can verify your approval to study away from your home institution.
  4. Be prepared to provide information about your highest level of coursework in mathematics and computer science and what you are interested in studying at AIT.
  5. Prepare a well-written essay about why you want to attend AIT, what you hope to gain from the experience, and what you may be able to contribute to the AIT experience.
  6. Complete and SUBMIT the on-line application form by the deadline date. There is NO FEE to apply to AIT.
  7. Only AFTER you have submitted the online application; send an official copy of your most recent TRANSCRIPT (postmarked by the application deadline date) to the AIT North American office: AIT - North America, PO Box 1244, Claremont, CA 91711. (Official emailed digital copies of transcripts are preferable and may be sent directly from an applicant’s school registrar or study abroad office to jorrison [uhlztasp] ait-budapest [shzpokiz] com. Any form or unsealed transcript sent directly by a student through post mail or email cannot be accepted and will be considered unofficial.) PLEASE NOTE: AIT NACD cannot receive EXPEDITED mail OUTSIDE the United States Postal System and does not provide a street address. Regular or Priority mail is preferred. ALSO: Please do not add signature-required services.
  8. An application is COMPLETE when the (1) on-line form is completely filled and submitted, the (2) official transcript and (3) both recommendations from your professors have been received, (When you submit your on-line application form, these professors will automatically receive an e-mail informing them how to submit their recommendations.) and (4) your approval to spend a semester abroad is verified by a study abroad official with your school.
    • You have a further 10 days to complete the application process after the final application submission deadline in order to provide your supporting materials; recommendations, approval and transcript.
  9. Application process: Rolling admission! You could receive an e-mail with the decision whether you have been accepted to AIT-Budapest from the Admissions Committee at the earliest within 2 weeks from the receipt of your completed application package. It is also possible that the Admissions Committee will wait until larger batches of completed applications are gathered, but will be sure to render all final decisions no later than a week after the final application deadline comes to a close.
  10. In the case you are accepted, an e-mail will be sent to you with instructions on how to proceed with your confirmation of acceptance. Depending on your home school tuition policy, you may be required to pay a deposit of $300 (the deposit is deductible from tuition but non-refundable) within 2 weeks of your acceptance date.
    Then, further practical information will soon follow the receipt of the deposit or confirmation from your school (if you are not required to pay the deposit by your home institution), which will outline instructions on the registration process and travel requirements (i.e. visa instructions). 

Partner schools

Links to some of our partner schools Study Abroad offices:

Your home school Link to relevant office
Amherst College
Arizona State University
Bard College at Simon's Rock
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Brandeis University
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University
Centre College
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College
Colgate University
Colorado College
Columbia University
Connecticut College
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College
Denison University
Duke University
Gordon College
Grinnell College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamilton College
Hampshire College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Knox College
Lewis and Clark College
Macalester College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT
Middlebury College
Mills College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mount Holyoke College
Northeastern University
Oberlin College
Olin College
Pitzer College
Pomona College
Princeton University
Quest University
Reed College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhodes College
Scripps College
Seattle University
Skidmore College
Rice University
Smith College
St. Olaf College
Swarthmore College
The College of William & Mary
Trinity University
Tufts University
The University of Kansas
United States Naval Academy
University of Pennsylvania
University of Puget Sound
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Washington
Vassar College
Wabash College
Wake Forest University
Wellesley College
Wesleyan University
Wheaton College Massachusetts
Whitman College
Williams College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Yale University
Rio Salado College
Wheaton College Illinois