AIT offers students engaging and robust courses that span computer science foundations, applications, humanities, and the Hungarian language. The Foundations Courses, required in most undergraduate computer science programs, allow students to fulfill some of their major requirements at AIT. The Computing Elective Courses cover a broad range of application areas, including mobile computing, deep learning, cryptography, leadership and entrepreneurship studies, and a design workshop created by Erno Rubik. These courses often fulfill elective requirements in computer science programs. Finally, the Humanities courses provide students with rich cultural immersion experiences while also satisfying general education requirements at their home institutions.

FALL and SPRING full-time students are expected to select academic courses with an average load of 16-20 contact hours a week (approximately 4-5 classes).  Most academic courses will meet twice a week, for two hours per occasion. Therefore, each 14-week courses typically correspond to 4 credits at most North American colleges and universities.  There are no additional fees for taking on a heavier load, but those wishing to take more than 26 contact hours a week must first receive approval from their home schools and AIT's Academic Director. Full-time student status at AIT requires a minimum of 12 contact hours per week.

AIT provides a supportive and intellectually vigorous learning environment. An important feature of our program is full attendance and participation of all students in classes.

Please see more details about accreditation, grades and assessment, enrollment and course dropping at Academic Policies.