
Katalin Bakonyi Berényi
Márta Magasi
8 - 14
Contact hours
4 hours/week
2 credits

Short Description of the Course:
The course must be seen as a direct continuation of Beginners’ Hungarian Course I. The students go on studying the elements of the particularly rich Hungarian morphology, and their functions in the use of the language. The teaching material includes some more complex syntactic structures, certain parts of the inflectional system, and provides the students with the knowledge of the basic means of composing texts in Hungarian. The material also covers topics of everyday life and a vocabulary/stock phrases belonging to them, which will help students to communicate in various conversational situations.

Culture is an organically integrated part of the course. There are several things we do throughout the semester to introduce the culture of the country to the students.

  • Cooking a Hungarian dish together

We prepare the food together. In the process the students learn about traditioanl Hungarian cuisine, the different ways of preparing food and the most traditional ingredients Hungarians use.

  • A visit to a typical Hungarian ’cakes and coffee’ shop

This is a unique experience because the students can’t really find this kind of places back home. The students have to order cakes and drinks in Hungarian.

  • Preparing a performance in Hungarian for the closing ceremony

The students learn and act out a short play (approx.15 min.), which is based on a Hungarian tale or folk tale. The language of the play is adapted so that it can be a summary of the grammar structures and functions the students have learnt throughout the semester.

Apart from the above mentioned we always celebrate the holidays: Easter in the spring semester and Santa Claus and Christmas in the fall. In this way the students can have some insight into how Hungarians celebrate these international or typically Hungarian holidays. We learn songs and the vocabulary of the holidays.

The topic list of the course book covers the following:

  • Greetings, introduce yourself
  • Place of living (country, city, home)
  • At the doctor’s
  • Shopping for food
  • Shopping for clothes
  • Seasons and activities
  • Free time
  • Getting around town
  • Sightseeing

These topics inevitably present the opportunity to discuss different aspects of Hungarian culture. Among other things we try to bring the topics close to our students by putting special emphasis on aspects that might be really interesting for young people. For example in connecrion with free time activities we include music and food festivals and so called ’ruin pubs’, which are very popular with young Hungarians.

Aim of the course:
The course is designed to develop the students’ language skills and knowledge of Hungarian  they acquired on the previous level. This second phase of the Beginners’ Hungarian Course is also intended to meet the language needs of students in making themselves understood with native Hungarians.

Completing Beginners’ Hungarian Course I. or meeting the requirements of a similar language course

Detailed Program and Class Schedule:

  1. Reviewing types of adverbs of place; the inflection of ‘ik’-verbs
  2. Verbal prefixes indicating directions; form and function of the dative
  3. Adverbs of time; word-order positions of verbal prefixes; the possessive construction
  4. Possessive suffixes, singular; the infinitive and its constructions
  5. The Hungarian substantive verb expressing possession; verbs formed with the suffix -hat, -het (= can, may)
  6. Causal clauses; possessive suffixes, plural
  7. Grammar summary – reviewing the material
    End-term test

Method of instruction:
Means and ways of communicative language teaching

Erdős József – Prileszky Csilla: Halló, itt Magyarország! I. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó 2000.
Supplementary material: Kaleidovox. Computer-aided exercises by Erdős József

Grading is based on student performance in three areas: a) homework done regularly; b) performances at the classes; c) written test closing the course.

Instructors' bio:

Katalin Bakonyi Berényi is a Hungarian and English language teacher with a background of teaching a wide variety of subjects (including Hungarian as a foreign language, ESP, Erasmus/Study Abroad exchange programs) at the Technical University of Budapest (BME). She has also done literature and film courses for Erasmus/Study Abroad students.  She is the author/co-author of publications on teaching Hungarian as a foreign language, the methodology of teaching languages and cultural topics and a coursebook for advanced learners of Hungarian. At AIT, together with her colleague she has developed language teaching material specially tailored for the needs of students of AIT.

Márta Magasi is a Hungarian and English language teacher relying on experience gained at BME in the Centre of Modern Languages teaching Hungarian and English to foreign and Hungarian students studying engineering. She is the author/co-author of different publications  (e.g. Readings in Technical English; Language Tests for Foreign Students, etc.). One of her priorities is linguistics related to teaching Hungarian as a foreign language. She also has experience in working as a teacher and coordinator of language trainings for leading multinational companies. At AIT, in cooperation with her colleague  she has developed language teaching material specially tailored for the needs of students of AIT.

Students' Review About This Course

"Taking Hungarian class is the best way to integrate yourself with Hungarian culture, there are a lot of cultural lessons and you can also put your mind away from CS and Math for a while and come back to it later, so I think it’s a good way to reset your mind and at the same time learn a lot more about Hungary."

Ryuta Kure

Ryuta Kure

Grinnell College

"Kati 's class was my official introduction to the Hungarian language. By the end of the class I was able to hold basic conversations and navigate daily life in Hungary with ease. In the months and years since, I built on the foundation I learned from Kati to a level of fluency that has allowed me to work in Hungarian at local tech companies and translate works of Hungarian literature into English. None of this would have happened without Kati's exceptional instruction and enthusiasm for the Hungarian language."

Ryan Lane

Ryan Lane

Arizona State University

"I started the semester off very unsure about how much Hungarian I could pick up in just a few months, and was so shocked at the end of the program with how much I had learned! My professor was a wonderful and energetic teacher who made sure to tailor the curriculum towards phrases and vocabulary we might experience in daily life. Plus, our final project, a production of "Aladdin" in Hungarian, is an experience I'll never forget!"

Kiersten Campbell

Kiersten Campbell

Williams College

"I took Hungarian with Kati and by the end of my time there was able to navigate cafes and restaurants only in Hungarian! She was so patient and kind, and truly motivated me to practice and use the things she taught in class. On top of learning the language, Kati also took time to explain cultural things to us and at the end of the semester showed us how to make gulyás and to this day I think about how good it was!!! Funny enough, my summer internship that year had a big Budapest branch and I was able to talk to them a bit in Hungarian which they were thrilled by! This course was phenomenal and the program at AIT is just wonderful. I only wish I could do it all over again!!"

Jackie Hang

Jackie Hang

Colby College

"Hungarian with Márti was such a fun, amazing, and holistic learning experience. In just a few weeks, my classmates and I were able to order in restaurants, ask for directions, and immerse ourselves better in the Hungarian culture. I still remember cooking gulyás together with my classmates and putting together a final play. When I catch up with my AIT friends, we still test each other on how many Hungarian words we can remember. The class is nagyon jó :)"

Jiin Jeong

Jiin Jeong

Hamilton College

"Márti’s Hungarian course was one of the most fun and useful classes I took at AIT. Márti is an extremely kind and patient teacher with a great sense of humor, and it was really rewarding to learn Hungarian in the classroom, then apply it in daily life in Budapest. Köszönöm szépen, Márti!"

Alice Ren

Alice Ren

University of Pennsylvania

To me, Marti is more like a sweet grandma than a professor. Hungarian is the first humanity course I have ever taken since I started college, but instead of making me feel frustrated and helpless, Marti’s lectures are easy to follow, well-structured and she is so patient helping us learning Hungarian! We all love Marti!

Huandong Chang

Grinnell College

The Hungarian class was one of the best classes I took here at AIT. The class was very fun and interactive. The material we covered was very relevant as right from the beginning, I was able to engage in basic interactions and start friendships more easily with people I met from day to day. I recommend this for anyone who wants to have a complete study abroad experience.

John Koomson

Amherst College